Project Management, Deadlines, and Milestones

To say it straight: No project suddenly fails out of the blue.

Instead, there are indications of problems a long time before the end. Few at first: objectives are reached with delay; requirements are fulfilled only partly; only 70% of development tests are successful.

And the colleagues who work on the project suspect that there are problems. But the problems are not clearly visible. They hide away in a heap of documents and excel tables. So because the problems are not visible, they cannot be solved.

Many methods of project management (Network Plans, Work Breakdown Structures, Gantt-Charts, ...) try with high effort to perfect the planning of costs, deadlines, and resources. But all these are static representations. Even more documents. Even more diagrams.

Milestone Trend Analysis however explicitly and exclusively aims at the dynamics in the course of the project. This means: Both the proceeding of project activities and as well the quality of the planning itself are made obvious in a single diagram.

Nothing else but the successful reaching or the failing to reach clearly defined milestones is depicted. Because this is the best way to represent the consumption of the most critical resource: Time. The necessary planning effort is minimal.

And the target is clear: Your Project will Not Fail.

Milestone Trend Analysis - The Method

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